Illegal Immigration: The US Must Hold Foreign Governments Accountable

Americans are tired of debating our inadequate immigration policies. Those on the left argue that the current policy is cruel and inhumane. They believe that migrants are in danger at home and are forced to make the treacherous trek to reach our border, only to be kept in limbo. Children separated from their parents. Often, following their arrival, many are turned away or enter illegally. It’s an act of desperation and they need to be welcomed not turned away. Those on the right would like to seal off the border entirely, which certainly doesn’t work and violates international law. At the very least, they seek a much more restrictive immigration policy, with more comprehensive background checks. One thing is evident, it isn’t that simple or clear cut regardless of where one stands.

Some of the migrants arrive with families, others journey alone. We obviously have no idea who they are, or what are their intensions. Perhaps some are running from the law? Others could be terrorists, attempting to access our country under the guise of oppression or persecution. We don’t know who’s arriving at our southern border in particular, on any given day, and therefore can’t risk allowing them to enter without first being thoroughly vetted thorough comprehensive background checks. Regardless of where you stand, the Federal Government needs to update our immigration laws to address this very serious, and worsening issue.

Of course, there are those who truly need our help, who’s lives are in danger, who require immediate assistance. But there needs to be a demarcation, a distinction between true need and simply wanting to find greater prosperity, and a better quality of life. For those people, while understandable, proper channels and protocols are in place and need to be followed. They should not be rewarded for attempting to arrive illegally, when thousands are properly waiting their turn. We cannot reward illegal behavior, or the process has no integrity.

Although many liberals attempt to project that they stand on some moral high ground regarding all issues that are divisive, I’ve never heard one say, “let’s set up a shelter for migrants next to my house.” But this isn’t just about far left Democrats. Neither party has seriously attempted to solve this problem, so there is plenty of blame for both Democrats and Republicans. More shelters are not the answer. It only exacerbates an already troublesome problem. More importantly, if we can find shelters for thousand of illegal immigrants, shouldn’t we first ensure that no American is without housing?

One can only imagine how desperate one must be to pick up their family, with almost nothing but the clothes on their backs and walk, or hitchhike, often paying mules to transport them to the border, without knowing what will happen. Many don’t speak English, making it difficult to communicate. As an American, I could never imagine such a thing. In most cases it’s an extreme act of desperation.

But there’s an even greater issue that needs to be addressed in order to solve this growing problem. We must address their ineffective and often, corrupt governments, leading to and exacerbating the need for their citizens to flee their countries. We must hold those countries, with the largest number of migrants, accountable. The US must insist they do a better job of solving the problem of why so many people are leaving. We must use the full weight and resources of our government to assist their governments with finding solutions to end this migrant crisis. Of course, many liberals would say, “what gives the US Government the right to take such actions.” The answer is, this serious problem directly affects us, and our national security. We therefore have the right to intervene and to act in our national interest.

The US has fought several unnecessary wars in our history. Protecting the integrity of our borders is as legitimate-a-reason to act militarily, as a last resort, as I can think of. We cannot simply allow these corrupt, backwards governments to flood our southern border with desperate migrants who need the protection of their governments. Back in graduate school I wrote the statement that “the monopoly over the techniques of violence is what affords any government its legitimacy.” If the Mexican government for example, can’t stand up to the cartels, then it’s illegitimate and should be replaced.

Freedom isn’t free! It’s hard fought. There are many poor people in the United States. They don’t simply pack up whatever they can carry and leave. There are two main reasons for that; 1) regardless of their situation, they enjoy relative safety and security; a stable way of life. They don’t face daily threats of violence, ignored by the government that’s charged with protecting them. The perpetrators of violence are generally brought to justice. 2) There is always hope for a better future. Millions from across the globe, still believe in the American Dream, despite what those on the far left espouse. Without hope there is no future. Hence, the desire to leave everything behind and find a better life, despite not knowing if that will be the end result.

If the United States is to ever solve the problem of illegal immigration, we must have a twofold approach. We must update our immigration laws to allow those who are truly desperate to enter due to threat to life and liberty. We must separate those from people simply seeking a better life, like my family. But we must ensure that they apply under our laws and don’t illegally enter. It’s unfair to the millions who are following our laws. One solution is to shorten the process. It shouldn’t take years for people who truly want to emigrate to our great Republic to do so. It’s discouraging. if we expedite the process, they will be less likely to enter illegally.

At the same time, we must hold their governments accountable for ensuring their safety. No innocent person, regardless of what country they come from, should have to live in fear for the lives of their families or themselves. We should make this policy non-negotiable and enforce it, militarily if necessary. We have the right to protect ourselves and this is a matter of national security. If we do these things, we will ensure the long-term stability and viability of our Great Country!

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